Health and Safety Policy
Last Updated: November 2021
Relevant Legislation
The Health and safety At Work Act 1974
The Management of Health and Safety At Work Regulations 1999 (as amended)
All Associated Health and Safety Legislation
Health and Safety Policy Statement
Training Strategies Ltd recognises its duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and will actively conduct its business efficiently and effectively whilst protecting the Health, Safety and Welfare of its staff, learners, clients, contractors and any others that may be affected by its activities so as far as is reasonably practicable. We are fully committed to provide, maintain and seek continual improvement for a healthy and safe working environment in every area that the company undertakes its business.
Training Strategies are committed to ensuring Health and Safety legislative compliance with all relevant Statutes, Regulations, and Codes of Practice including RIDDOR we will ensure that Health, Safety and Welfare strategies are implemented where responsibilities are assigned, accepted and fulfilled at all levels within the Training Strategies Ltd.
Training Strategies Ltd will provide adequate resources to ensure the effective implementation of this Policy and recognise that Health and Safety objectives are as important as any other core business functions.
We will actively pursue progressive improvements in health and safety performance through the reduction of adverse safety events, reducing loss and liabilities by protecting its greatest assets, staff and learners. We consider all adverse safety events and illnesses are preventable: Our goal is zero harm.
Training Strategies Ltd is fully committed to the development of a strong and sustainable positive Health and Safety culture, in which Health and Safety is understood, accepted as a high priority and its foundations are based on open and honest shared beliefs, best practices, values and attitudes that exist within Training Strategies Ltd.
Everyone has a personal responsibility for their own Health and Safety, for others in the workplace and for the environment in which they work.
There are clear procedures for action to be taken in the event of fire, bomb threats, first aid requirements and any other emergency situations and everyone within Training Strategies Ltd will be made fully aware of them.
There is adequate information, instruction and training (including refresher training) provided to all staff.
Appropriate systems are developed and maintained to facilitate effective communication of Health and Safety information, including newsletters, notice boards and Health & Safety emails.
The appropriate Health and Safety planning, monitoring, reviewing and auditing (incorporating risk assessments will be undertaken) on premises which are not operated by Training Strategies Ltd but upon which learners undertake periods of work experience.
Annual assessments are undertaken for Health and Safety procedures, audits, workplace inspections, risk assessment reviews to ensure quality and validity and legislative compliance.
All accidents, incidents and near misses are reported and investigated, with the appropriate action taken to reduce the likelihood of re-occurrence by identifying any areas for improvement in the Health and Safety Management System. Training Strategies Ltd are fully committed to undertake active and reactive monitoring and we will continually aim to reduce injury and illness to any person, or damage to equipment, property or the environment.
This Policy will apply to all premises operated by Training Strategies Ltd including outreach facilities and will be reviewed on an annual basis. It will be issued, together with any revisions, to all employees of Training Strategies Ltd.
Health & Safety Arrangements for Implementing The Health And Safety Policy
1. Under Section 2 (3) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974an employer is required to: “Prepare, and as often as may be appropriate, revise a written statement of his / her general policy with respect to the Health and Safety at work of their employees, along with the organisation and arrangements in force for carryingout that policy, and to bring the statement and any revision of it to the attention of all their employees”.
2. Ensure the policy outlines the steps that Training Strategies Ltd will take to ensure compliance with Health and Safety legislation and outlines the general duties and responsibilities with regard to Health and Safety of employees and other persons who may be affected by Training Strategies Ltd’s working practices. It is not an exact interpretation of the law, but is intended to help those concerned to understand their responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (as amended) and any other associated Regulations and Approved Codes of Practice
3. Ensure the Policy document will be issued to all staff, (full-time and part-time)who should familiarise themselves with its contents and continue to practice safe and healthy working methods and ensure that all colleagues, learners and visitors do the same.
4. The purpose of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is to:
Provide a legislative framework to promote, stimulate and encourage high standards of Health and Safety in the workplace;
Promote safety awareness for a safe Training Strategies Ltd and to ensure continual improvement in Health and Safety performance.
5. Training Strategies Ltd ‘Policy Statement’ will be displayed in all workplace locations. A “Health and Safety Law Poster – What you should know”, will be available in all locations and should be displayed alongside the ‘Policy Statement’;
6. The Policy document is a general statement of Health and Safety and should be read in conjunction with any codes of safe working practice for specific Training Strategies Ltd areas.
Policy Information
Management staff must ensure employees within Training Strategies Ltd are familiar with their roles and responsibilities within the Health and Safety Policy;
Establishing and maintaining a robust Health and Safety management framework through the integration of risk assessment, safe systems of work, standard operating procedures and guidance notes to ensure legislative compliance.
Ensuring all employees, learners, and contractors are aware of their roles and responsibilities in relation to Health and Safety and of the procedures and practices they are expected to follow.
Ensuring all Health and Safety requirements for employees are considered in the job description and competency is maintained through the identification of Health and Safety training needs via the appraisal system.
Training Strategies Ltd will:
Monitor the effectiveness of the Policy and its implementation through the audit process in conjunction with the Health and Safety Manager along with implementation of any action plans to remedy any areas for improvement noncompliance;
Will ensure adequate financial and human resources are available for the effective implementation of Training Strategies Ltd’s Health and Safety Policy and any areas of non-compliance are relayed back to the Director or the appropriate person.
Will take disciplinary action in accordance with approved procedures against any employees who do not comply with agreed safety procedures in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act etc. and any statutory provisions.
Health and Safety Management
The overall and final responsibility for Health and Safety in the Company is that of: SEAN LYNCH
The management of Health and Safety is the responsibility of directors and Health and Safety Manager.
This Policy is set out in accordance with Health and Safety Guidance HS (G)65 “Managing for Health and Safety” which incorporates the following: (PLAN)–Setting the Policy; (DO) – Planning,
Implementing and Organising; (CHECK) - Measuring Performance, Audits;(ACT) Reviewing Performance.
All Health and Safety documents will have the review date on them and will be available via the Health and Safety homepage of Training Strategies Ltd’s Intranet site
Managers must ensure all equipment, machinery and operations comply with Health and Safety Legislation, are fit for purpose and are maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidance.
Ensure employees are competent through incorporating Health and Safety training needs as part of the appraisal process. To ensure adequate instruction, information, supervision, induction, training (refresher) and to enable pre-planning of sufficient resources to discharge their Health and Safety duties
Implement key Health and Safety responsibilities and objectives into individual job descriptions detailing levels of responsibility and accountability;
Ensure provision of adequate Health and Safety training and information, particularly as part of the new starter staff / student induction programmes
Ensure all accidents, incidents, dangerous occurrences / near misses are reported and investigated in line with corporate procedures / standard operating procedure Accident and Incident Reporting and to comply with Health and Safety legislation including RIDDOR;
Create a Health and Safety culture by stimulating interest and enthusiasm for Health and Safety amongst staff and learners;
Promote and embed Health and Safety within the curriculum by using and developing the ‘safe learner’ concept;
Ensure routine Health and Safety inspections are carried out, recorded and deficiencies noted, walkways should be free from obstruction or hazards and that open drinks and unwrapped food should not be transported. Fire exits, evacuation routes, and fire - fighting equipment must be clear of obstruction.
Health and Safety Manager
Appointed by Training Strategies Ltd will ensure the Training Strategies Ltd has appropriate Health and Safety Management policies, standard operating procedures and guidance documents in place at a corporate level to enable Training Strategies Ltd to meet its statutory duties.
Health and Safety Manager will also;
Assist in the development and implementation of HSG 65 “Managing for Health and Safety”, order for Training Strategies Ltd to Plan, Do, Check and Act;
Provide Health and Safety support, advice and strategic input to the Training Strategies Ltd Management Team
Assist all levels of management to implement and comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and all relevant Health and Safety legislation.
Advising Training Strategies Ltd its employees and stakeholders on forthcoming changes and developments to Health and Safety legislation, relevant regulations, approved codes of practice and Health and Safety Executive guidance;
Deal with day-to-day issues concerning Health and Safety including requests for assistance, guidance, support or information to managers, supervisors, safety representatives, employees, learners, contractors and any associated parties within Training Strategies Ltd;
Promote the risk assessment process for the identification of hazards, assessing risks, identifying and implementing suitable control measures to reduce risk to an acceptable level along with the process of monitoring and reviewing;
Monitor accidents and accident trends, completing reports to the Health and Safety Committee.
Assisting in the investigation of serious accidents with line managers / senior management and for the provision of any safety reports at the Health and Safety Managers discretion;
Develop and support the integration of the Health and Safety Management System;
Conduct Health and Safety audits to ensure the Training Strategies Ltd complies with its statutory duties and to test the effectiveness of the Health and Safety Management System.
Any plans from the audit process (active monitoring), should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic with time frames for determining priorities which are monitored for completion;
Establish professional relationships at all levels within the Training Strategies Ltd and external organisations such as the Health and Safety Executive etc.;
Examine the working practices of all Training Strategies Ltd employees, at any time, along with those of contractors to the Training Strategies Ltd regarding health, safety and welfare;
Initiate and contribute to, as appropriate, the Health and Safety training needs with Directors, Line Managers and Human Resources for staff within the Training Strategies Ltd;
Co-ordinate first aid cover for the Training Strategies Ltd;
Co-ordinate the reporting of RIDDOR related issues in compliance with legislative requirements.
Sit as a member of the Training Strategies Ltd Health and Safety Committee;
Produce a bi-annual report for the detailing accident statistics for Training Strategies Ltd together with any other required information.
2.17 Managers/Supervisors and Team Leaders
Will within their area be responsible for the implementation of the Training Strategies Ltd Health and Safety policies, standard operating procedures, guidance documents, regulations and approved codes of practice relating to Health and Safety and shall be fully familiar with the Training Strategies Ltd Health and Safety Policy and the responsibilities for staff placed on them to ensure:
Equipment or machinery
Equipment or machinery purchased is fit for purpose, vibration, noise, dusts (any hazards are considered) and local exhaust ventilation is considered in the purchase.
Risk assessments must be completed before the item is used in accordance with Health and Safety regulation and adequate control measures must be implemented before use i.e. if extraction is required then extraction must be provided, learners or staff should not be exposed to any unacceptable levels of risk;
Compliance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999 (as amended) risk assessments, safety inductions, display screen equipment, manual handling operations, control of substances hazardous to health and any associated legislative requirements for their areas of responsibility;
Staff for whom they have line management responsibility, are adequately trained and supervised for tasks/activities they are required to perform and are provided with the relevant information, instruction and training to undertake their roles safely;
Staff are provided with the necessary Health and Safety induction, instruction, information, training and the appropriate explanation of Training Strategies Ltd policies, standard operating procedures and codes of practice for the areas they work in;
All risk assessments are completed within their areas of responsibility and that they are all undertaken by a competent person, which are implemented, communicated and reviewed on an annual basis
Ensure all staff you have responsibilities for complete Display Screen Assessments and complete any action plans required, implement actions, monitor and review;
All staff and associated partners / workers / contractors / others are familiar with fire / bomb emergency procedures, first aid provisions, safe systems of work, reporting of significant hazards and risk assessments, accident reporting within their working area to ensure effective reduction of risk;
All plant, equipment and machinery used is adequately tested, maintained, and repaired with documented records to ensure legislative compliance, and all employees are aware of the correct procedures for its use and the action to take when it becomes defective;
All products, equipment and services must go through a rigorous procedure for reducing risk by the purchasing of safer substances that do the same job, but are less hazardous.
Where a specified injury, disease or dangerous occurrence happens, Line Managers will as soon as possible consult with the the Health and Safety Manager and ensure that Incident Contact Centre is notified either by:
Telephone 0845 300 9923; Fax 0845 300 9924; Internet
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health task based risk assessments are completed before using any chemicals and (consider the hierarchy of controls).
All staff must be trained in the safe use of chemicals;
In all contracts with partners, service providers and any other organisations Health and Safety responsibilities and accountabilities are clearly defined and risk assessments, method statements, safe systems of work, equipment safety checks, audits and reporting procedures are implemented and monitored;
All accidents, incidents, ill health, disease, dangerous occurrences, near misses, violent or abusive episodes are reported within 24 hours of the adverse safety event occurring (the same procedure applies for commissioned services / sub-contractors) providing the details of the incident must be undertaken within 24 hours of occurrence and must be fully investigated with control measures documented and implemented to prevent re-occurrence incompliance with the requirements of RIDDOR;
Consulting and co-operating with appointed safety representatives where applicable;
Senior Managers / Health and Safety Manager are informed of any relevant health, safety and welfare issues, especially those that have resource implications and for those that cannot be resolved at local level;
All Health and Safety training needs are identified through the appraisal system along with refresher training and for any new posts Health and Safety requirements will be incorporated into the job description;
All necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) and respiratory protective equipment (RPE), is considered as the last resort in the hierarchy of control measures and when purchased is fit for the task, maintained, repaired, stored and cleaned in accordance with the regulations and staff are fully aware of why they are using it and are trained in its use;
Routine Health and Safety inspections are carried out, recorded and deficiencies actioned in order to maintain a high standard of housekeeping. Corridors, stairways and walkways should be free from obstruction or hazards and ensure open drinks and unwrapped food are not being transported.
Fire exits, evacuation routes, and fire-fighting equipment must be clear of obstruction;
Any dangerous occurrences or accidents, faults or defects are promptly reported, as per Training Strategies Ltd procedures, and ensure that any faults or defects do not put staff, students or members of the public at risk;
All newly acquired items of electrical equipment are included in the register of items for Portable Appliance Testing (PAT);
Know to whom to refer if they have a query or concern about Health and Safety.
2.18 Directors will be responsible for:
Ensuring that all the premises operated by the Training Strategies Ltd, the fabric of the buildings and internal/external plant systems associated with the buildings, are monitored, and maintained in good order to provide a safe and healthy working environment;
Ensuring policies and procedures are implemented in accordance with the Training Strategies Ltd’s requirements/Health and Safety legislation and make use of other resources provided by the Training Strategies Ltd to promote Health and Safety at work;
Ensuring staff for whom they have line management responsibility, are adequately trained and supervised for tasks / activities they are required to perform and relevant information, instruction and equipment including personal protective equipment, necessary to achieve safe systems of work are provided, used and maintained;
Ensuring that services supplied to Training Strategies Ltd by external contractors satisfy all current Health and Safety legislation, particularly in respect of equipment, its maintenance, safe systems of work, risk assessments, method statements, competency and other safety standards which may apply to work being undertaken and all relevant documentation is reviewed on an annual basis and monitor contractors whilst they are on site;
Ensuring that all risk assessments are undertaken by a competent person, with the involvement of employees.
Ensuring the risk assessments are implemented, communicated and reviewed on a risk based approach, for example high risks (annual reviews) for medium and low risks bi-annually these would be subject to the risk assessment process and determined at a local level;
Ensuring the asbestos register is kept up to date; a management plan is undertaken, with risk assessments, emergency procedures provided for the premise(s) they control. Where any work is undertaken the asbestos register must be provided and brought to the attention of Contractors prior to commencement of any works and also the provision of any information on any other risks that may be present. For refurbishment work a demolition/refurbishment asbestos survey should be completed before any work starts
Ensuring the compliance with the control of legionella, maintenance of the legionella logbook on sites (development and maintenance of a legionella management plan), water monitoring, risk assessment, emergency procedures etc.
Ensuring compliance with statutory requirements in relation to fire and bomb evacuation procedures, electrical safety (testing), provision use work equipment regulations, control of contractors, lifting operations lifting equipment regulations, safe access and egress; workplace inspections, audits and any other Health and Safety legislation that may be applicable to providing safe Training Strategies Ltd buildings;
Maintaining a Health and Safety file on the premises in relation to any construction work covered by the Construction (Design and Maintenance)Regulations and make this available to contractors upon request;
Ensuring all accidents / incidents are reported and undertaking investigations as to why they happened and what risk control measures have been implemented to prevent re-occurrence and the requirements of RIDDOR reporting are adhered to.
Fire management within all Training Strategies Ltd buildings, ensuring emergency lighting is tested monthly, weekly fire alarm tests are undertaken, fire evacuation drills are arranged each term for each building and feedback any issues identified to senior management and ensuring that all fire-fighting equipment and emergency systems are adequate and maintained and tested in accordance with the regulations, and records are kept.
Ensuring that any statutory requirement relating to the internal/external systems associated with the building are met and necessary records are kept, this includes Plant and Machinery;
Liaising with building / maintenance contractors to ensure that they are provided with a copy of the Procedures to be Followed by Contractors Working Upon Training Strategies Ltd Premises and that they are aware of the Training Strategies Ltd’s Health and Safety Policy, including obtaining risk assessment, method statements and issuing permits to work in accordance with Training Strategies Ltd policy.
They must also be made aware of Training Strategies Ltd’s requirements for the contractor to conform to current legislation and to have appropriate arrangements to protect the Health and Safety of their employees, Training Strategies Ltd staff, learners and the general public;
2.19 All delivery staff
Are responsible for ensuring they comply with all Health and Safety legislation and must ensure risk assessments are completed before any activities are undertaken in accordance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (as amended).
All activities undertaken are subject to the risk assessment process and any associated Health and Safety legislation must also be considered e.g. manual handling implications etc.
Must report any accidents, incidents and near misses to their line manager.
Comply with the reporting requirements of RIDDOR.
They must ensure the learner they are responsible for are provided with the following;
Necessary Health and Safety instruction, information, training and supervision;
Health and Safety induction including the correct procedures for fire / bomb emergency evacuation, first aid facilities, the reporting of accidents and the identification and control of hazards;
Informed and comply with the correct procedures for the safe use, handling and storage of potentially hazardous materials and substances and the hierarchy of control measures must be considered;
That any substances used must have a task based COSHH assessment before they are used. No substance should be used unless it has an COSHH assessment;
Comply with the correct procedures for the use of machinery, plant or equipment;
Adequate supervision, where appropriate, to enable all work in which they are involved to be carried out safely;
Trained in the use and care of appropriate personal protective equipment(PPE) and respiratory protective equipment (RPE) and use this in accordance with the laid down procedures or instructions,
Are aware of whom to refer if they have a query or concern about Health and Safety;
Are provided with adequate information and training on hazards and risks of the activities they undertake i.e. manual handling operations, control of substances hazardous to health etc.
All employee responsibilities:
Due regard must be taken by all staff of the duties placed upon each individual under Section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974and the responsibilities of employees are as follows:
It shall be the duty of all employees at work to take care for the Health and Safety of themselves and other persons who may be affected by his / her acts or omissions at work” and “as regards any requirement or duty imposed on his employer or any other persons by or under any of the statutory provisions, to co-operate with him so far as it is necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be performed and complied with”.
Whilst the overall responsibility for Health and Safety lies at the highest Management level, all employees have to accept their roles and responsibilities in carrying out this Policy.
Co-operate fully with managers or senior staff to enable them to carry out their statutory duty, and any Health and Safety inspection, monitoring or auditing;
Comply with the Training Strategies Ltd Health and Safety policies, standard operating procedures and instructions which are issued to them or are on the Health and Safety intranet;
Adhere to the requirements of the risk assessment process and also ensure they are aware that they have a legal duty to follow procedures issued by the Training Strategies Ltd which are designed to protect their own and others health, safety and welfare;
Comply with any statutory duties / inspections undertaken on equipment /tools and record them and ensure any defects are immediately reported to the line manager. Any defective equipment must be taken out of service, clearly marked / and kept aside for repair;
Visually check all electrically operated items prior to using them or issuing them to another person and immediately after their use to ensure that there are no obvious defects. When defects are suspected the item must be removed from service and the matter reported to their manager;
Promptly report to their manager any situation, working practice or procedure which they know is potentially hazardous or which has been reported to them as such;
Use machinery, plant or equipment only when they have been authorised to do so, when the appropriate instructions and training has been completed ensuring all of the safety systems are in operation;
Make full use of the appropriate equipment, personal protective equipment, respiratory protective equipment, safety devices and be aware of the hazards within their workplace and familiar with safe systems of work;
Ensure all accidents, incidents, dangerous occurrences or ill health are reported to their line manager who will investigate within 24 hours of the accident / incident occurring and provide details of the action required to prevent reoccurrence;
Undergo the appropriate Health and Safety training were deemed necessary by their manager;
To comply with all COSHH task based risk assessments.
Always consider the hierarchy of control measures by;
Eliminating the risk by avoiding the use of certain processes and materials;
Substituting for a less hazardous process / material;
Combating the risk at source through engineering controls;
Controlling the risk by designing suitable safe systems of work;
Minimising the risk by using personal protective equipment which should only be used as a last resort
2.20 Learner responsibilities are as follows:
To take reasonable care for the Health and Safety of themselves and other persons who may be affected by the way in which they conduct themselves as part of their programme of study, including any work experience;
To co-operate fully with staff in relation to Health and Safety to enable them to carry out their statutory duty, and any Health and Safety inspection, monitoring or auditing programmes;
To promptly report to staff any situation, working practice or procedure which they know is potentially hazardous or which has been reported to them as such;
To promptly report to staff any accidents or dangerous occurrences;
To use machinery, plant or equipment only when they have been authorised to do so and when appropriate training has been given and all safety systems are in operation;
To use personal protective equipment or materials provided by the Training Strategies Ltd in accordance with the appropriate instructions and NOT misuse personal protective, equipment or materials in any way;
To comply with Health and Safety instructions, both verbal and written, which are issued to them;
To use, handle and store substances in the prescribed manner;
To comply with the Learner Code of Conduct.