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Equality and Diversity Policy

Last Updated: November 2021



We intend to promote and embed equality, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of the organisation, promote the value of respect for others, all individuals and their unique talents.

This Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy describes how Training Strategies intends to ensure that the design, delivery and commissioning of courses and services are fair, equitable and accessible to all; and that individuals, regardless of background, are able to maximise their potential. The Strategy outlines the priorities for the Training Strategies and sets out a series of actions for improvement in an annual Development Plan.

The Strategy links directly to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy which sets out our organisational commitments and responsibilities as summarised in the Equality and Diversity Policy Statement:


Training Strategies is committed to promoting equality, recognising and welcoming diversity, tackling discrimination and narrowing gaps in under-represented groups to widen participation in all its activities.

We will respect differences of all kinds including gender; age; sexuality; religion and belief; race and ethnic origin; disability and learning difficulty; economic and social needs or pregnancy and maternity.

Our mission is to raise participation, aspirations, maximise inclusion and potential and change lives. This is for all our learners regardless of their background. We are preparing our learners to work and live in a diverse and changing world, to achieve and prosper.


Legal Framework


The Equality Act 2010 (sec. 149) states that:

  1. A public authority must, in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the need to:-

    • eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under this act;​​

    • advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it; and

    • foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

  2. A person who is not a public authority but who exercises public functions must, in the exercise of those functions, have due regard to the matters mentioned in subsection (1) above.

  3. Having due regard to the need to advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it involves having due regard, in particular, to the need to:

    • remove or minimise disadvantages suffered by persons who share a relevant protected characteristic that are connected to that characteristic;​

    • take steps to meet the needs of persons who share a relevant protected characteristic that are different from the needs of persons who do not share it; and

    • encourage persons who share a relevant protected characteristic to participate in public life or in any other activity in which participation by such persons is disproportionately low.

  4. The steps involved in meeting the needs of disabled persons that are different from the needs of persons who are not disabled include, in particular, steps to take account of disabled persons' disabilities.

  5. Having due regard to the need to foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it involves having due regard, in particular, to the need to:

    • tackle prejudice; and​

    • promote understanding

  6. Compliance with the duties in this section may involve treating some persons more favourably than others; but that is not to be taken as permitting conduct that would otherwise be prohibited by or under this Act.  

    Equality and Diversity in the truest sense of the meaning is about ensuring the range of diversity within every community is supported on the basis of individual characteristics and need. The Equality Act 2010 sets out definitions of “protected characteristics” or groups that experience disadvantage and lists these as:

    • Age​

    • Disability

    • Gender Reassignment

    • Marriage and Civil Partnership

    • Pregnancy and Maternity

    • Race (including Gypsies and Travellers)

    • Religion and Belief

    • Sex (Gender)

    • Sexual Orientation


Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy


Main Objectives

This strategy is based on 4 core strands:

  1. Actively promoting equality and diversity across the organisation

  2. Tackling bullying and discrimination

  3. Embedding equality and diversity in teaching, learning and assessment

  4. Narrowing participation and achievement gaps between different groups of learners


Actively promoting equality, diversity and inclusion across the organisation

This will be achieved by 3 measures:

  1. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion aspects will be promoted in Training Strategies Strategic Plan, Value Statements, related strategies and development plans

  2. Policies and procedures will be implemented and monitored to actively promote equality, diversity and inclusion amongst staff, learners, employers and other partners.

  3. Training will be delivered in equality, diversity and inclusion to ensure leaders, managers, directors, staff and learners understand their roles and responsibilities.


Tackling bullying and discrimination

This will be achieved by 2 measures:

  1. Learners and staff will be protected from harassment, bullying and discrimination, including those based with employers and at other external sites.

  2. Incidents and complaints specifically about equality, diversity and bullying will be proactively managed and acted upon, including, where appropriate, disciplinary action and providing counselling and support.


Embedding equality, diversity, inclusion in teaching, learning and assessment

This will be achieved by 4 measures:

  1. Robust initial assessment, diagnostics and learner sign up processes and arrangements will ensure all learners can participate in learning (where they meet entry requirements), including those with learning difficulties and/or disabilities.

  2. Teaching, learning and assessment will promote equality, support diversity and tackle discrimination, victimisation, harassment, stereotyping or bullying.

  3. Staff will use materials and teaching methods that foster good relations and are sensitive to and promote equality of opportunity.

  4. Staff will plan for individual and different group needs in teaching sessions.


Narrowing under-representation and achievement gaps between different groups of learners

This will  be achieved by 3 measures:

  1. Challenging targets will be set, the performance and destinations of different groups of learners will be carefully monitored and appropriate action will be taken to narrow any identified gaps.

  2. The impact of Training Strategies equality and diversity activities will be thoroughly evaluated and appropriate actions will be taken in response. 

  3. Data analysis will include under-represented groups, social and economic deprivation to promote accessibility and inclusion to our services.


Link to the Strategic Plan

The Core Strands, measures and actions identified in this strategy specifically support the following strategic objectives and assist in achieving the Training Strategies Mission and Vision:


Training Strategies Mission Statement

To contribute to local economic growth by up skilling NW individuals and businesses, working with partners to promote education and skills as the key to prosperity and sustainable employment by raising aspirations, maximising potential and changing lives. We aim to give our learners a platform to shine, to provide quality education and training in order to empower our learners to achieve their full potential.


Vision Statement

Our vision is to be recognised as a leading provider of high quality learning. We aim to be the most successful, sought after training provider, with new and innovative training services within the industry.


Core Values

At the heart of everything we do are our corporate values. We stand by them and promote them as the behaviours our organisation and staff members display and embrace. We pride ourselves that these values stretch our organisation and help us to continuously improve.


We pride ourselves on:

  • Putting customers first

  • Being inclusive

  • Taking pride in what we do

  • Respecting others

  • Striving to be the best

  • Acting with integrity


Our company values: A.D.A.P.T


Above and beyond

We expect our organisation, teams, and individual staff members to go above and beyond to deliver a service to our customers which exceeds their expectations and leads to high quality training and valuable and transferable qualifications.

We think out of the box and approach problems in a unique way, making us different than the average training provider and adding value for our clients. We will increasingly innovate throughout the year and seek new ideas and ways of delivering.

We are ambitious for our company, our staff and our clients, we work tirelessly to improve and to build and expand our offer to match local demand.

People focussed
We know are people are the best and want to share this with everyone. We invest in staff, and help to improve. We promote from within and build a friendly, fun atmosphere in which people can thrive and develop.

People working together is what it’s all about. Together we are stronger and all staff pull together to achieve common goals.


Strategic Objectives

  1. Improve teaching, learning and assessment and deliver outstanding success rates.

  2. Develop a culture of high expectation and aspiration

  3. Address future employment and skills priorities to meet the needs of individuals, businesses and the local community

  4. Promote inclusion to under-represented groups identified through data analysis

  5. Enhance the employability skills of all learners and encourage innovation, creativity and enterprise

  6. Increase the number of young people and adults successfully progressing into further learning and employment

  7. Promote and embed equality and diversity in all aspects of the organisation

  8. Enhance our reputation, brand and image through effective communication and marketing

  9. Improve financial performance and diversify income sources

  10. Transform the structure to create a responsive, efficient and effective organisation with a skilled and flexible workforce

  11. Build and maintain high-quality learning environments, IT systems and facilities


The accompanying E&D Development Plan/Strategy identifies the specific measures and actions that underpin each Core Strand and the timescales and responsibilities for achieving these. These will be formally monitored and reviewed on a quarterly basis and updated annually.


Any questions, queries or concerns relating to our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy, the standards or requirements detailed within, should be directed in the first instance to your line Manager.


Training Strategies’ Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy is a living document; the SMT will assess its relevance on an annual basis. If appropriate, the policy will be amended, to reflect the ongoing requirements of our business, its staff and our sector and legislative or industry updates and changes.


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