Appeals Procedure
Last Updated: November 2021
In order for TSL's Appeals Procedure to be effective, it is essential that all Learners are fully aware of how to access and how to start the appeals procedure - to this end, TSL will ensure that the procedure is fully covered in every Learner's induction and that Learners can find contact/process information in their portfolio and advertised at information boards in the centre.
TSL will also comply with awarding bodies appeals procedures, these are outlined below.
TSL understands that all Learners have the right to appeal against any assessment decisions that they feel are unfair, and there is a clear procedure documented for Learners to follow. Examples of reasons for appeal when studying can include:
The belief that the assessment was conducted in such a way that the candidate was not given sufficient opportunity to allow their competence to be fully demonstrated.
The belief that the assessment was conducted in such a way that the candidate was put under undue stress which was excessive and would not normally pertain to the usual circumstances in carrying out the relevant job.
TSL is aware that Learners are more likely to accept decisions if they have justified. Therefore, it is important that when making assessment decisions, staff give Learners as much information as possible and clearly state any reasons why Learners have not demonstrated competence in standards. This would normally be found in the form of Learner feedback detailed in Progress Reviews or as Targets to achieve on ILP's.
When dealing with any Learner who is dissatisfied with a formal decision taken by an TSL Trainer or Assessor, the initial stage should be to ensure that the Learner has been given as much information as possible regarding the decision he/she can decide to formally appeal against the decision. The following procedure should be followed:
Approach your Trainer/Assessor within 5 working days - try to reach a mutual resolution within 10 working days. (Both Trainer/Assessor and Learner must maintain their own record of the verbal appeal if a resolution is not reached.)
If you are still not satisfied, request to speak to the Internal Quality Assurer (IQA) within 10 working days - every effort will be made to resolve the grievance within 20 working days of you contacting the IQA.
If you are still not satisfied, the Lead IQA will convene an Appeals Panel, comprising of relevant IQA, Trainer/Assessor and Learner - the Learner may also bring in a representative. The outcome of the appeal may be:
Confirmation of the Trainer/Assessor's original decision.​
Instructions for the relevant competence/standards to be re-assessed by the same or a different Trainer/Assessor.
A judgement that the Learner's evidence does fulfil awarding body standards and a recommendation that the original assessment decision is overturned.
If the Learner is still unhappy about the decision you will need to contact the awarding body (please see Awarding Body procedures outlined below). You can also decide to raise a formal complaint following TSL's Complaints Procedure if you feel the Appeals Procedure has not been carried out correctly.